Momento was quick to swap in across multiple workflows. It’s outperforming ElastiCache by 15% at half the price and is 10x easier to scale!

Edwin Rivera

Principal Architect, CBS Interactive
Momento was fast and easy to deploy, boosted the performance of our workload, and increased our developer productivity by eliminating operational tasks.


CTO, Wyze Labs
It was a whirlwind from dev to prod, and Momento blew us away! Faster, scalable, and half the price of our old cache fleet—all integrated in just one week.

Cornelle Janse van Rensburg

Lead Engineer, Saturn
Before Momento, surges of sudden connections and Redis cold starts blocked our migration to a serverless architecture. Momento solved this—fast! It worked so well, we're adopting it for future caching projects.

Tom Delorenzi

CTO, ZigZaGame
Thanks to Momento, we finally have a cache built for the cloud. No more instance-based, self-hosted infrastructure. You get a dynamic cache with pay-per-use pricing, unparalleled performance, and no pre-provisioning of instances.

Alex DeBrie

DynamoDB Expert & AWS Data Hero
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