Momento Storage is an intelligent, durable datastore with an integrated API gateway and cache.

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Illustration of Mo waving behind the Momento Storage Icon

Reimagining the traditional datastore

Persistent key-value datastores like Amazon DynamoDB or Azure CosmosDB are incredibly robust and reliable, but that can come with trade-offs in latency, throughput, and cost—especially for high-volume workloads operating at the edges of what’s ideal
for traditional solutions.

Momento Storage reimagines the datastore by adding an integrated gateway and cache. This consolidated design replaces multiple pieces of a traditional cloud architecture with a single service engineered for extremely high-volume workloads.
Chat app reference architecutre
Behind the scenes, Momento employs techniques that reduce pressure on the underlying persistence layers, dramatically improving the overall performance and cost—especially for
high-read and write scenarios.
  • Tiered caching
  • Load shedding
  • Write coalescing
  • Load shaping

The platform that frees your team to build what's next

Like every service across the Momento platform, Storage is fully-managed, built for scale, and boasts a streamlined development and operational experience. With fewer distractions, your team can focus on going to market faster.
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Momento Gateway

Built-in authentication, access control, and multiple transport protocols make your workload production-ready from the start.
Zero Topic Management Icon

Client SDKs

Best practices and robust connection management—gRPC, WebSockets, HTTP, and more—are built into our tailored client libraries
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Resource Pooling

Effortlessly and rapidly scale workloads with Momento's always-available reservoir of warm capacity.
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Intelligent Load Distribution

Our intelligent Control Plane proactively manages distribution of load, carefully monitoring and scaling along multiple dimensions.